Simple joint-stock company

“Simple joint-stock company”, the most modern legal framework in the EU

Slovakia will introduce new corporate form in 2017 which will be a very attractive investment vehicle that will introduce the most modern legal framework in the EU.

Simple joint-stock company and its advantages

This new form is called ‘simple (or simplified) joint-stock company’ (in Slovak: jednoduchá spoločnosť na akcie) (”Investment Company“), and will introduce modern legal framework. The vehicle shall be the best for venture capital deals and for PE investments involving less than 100% equity (both minority and majority buyouts).


  • All internal relations between shareholders, stakeholders and business owners can be set with unparalleled freedom
  • Company’s shares are free to issue in various classes, entitling to a wide range of rights.
  • No explicit limitations on rights that can be attached to shares in the Investment Company
  • Shareholders can create various shareholder classes that reflect their position or time when they entered the Company
  • Possible to issue “employee shares” which can prove to be very efficient for employee motivation and reward
  • Acknowledgement and use of standard investor tools: drag-along, tag-along and deadlock mechanism (shoot-out)
  • The rights can be agreed in shareholders’ agreement and will have a strong legal protection (the rights can be registered in a public register giving no space for non-compliance)




