Creditreform assigns A+ rating to Malta

Creditreform assigns A+ rating to Malta

German credit rating agency Creditreform Rating AG, one of the leading rating agencies in Europe, assigned an A+ long-term sovereign rating to Malta. Creditreform described its future outlook as stable.


Malta’s potential growth is among the highest of all Euro area members

In its report, Creditreform claims that the positive sovereign rating was based on “Malta’s high level of creditworthiness mainly based on its strong macroeconomic performance and strong fiscal sustainability.”

The report also pointed out, that Malta’s potential growth is among the highest of all Euro area members. Additionally, such dynamic growth is supporting Malta’s income convergence towards the EU-28 average.

According to this report, a favourable growth prospect for the Maltese economy is forecasted in the coming years. This is mainly due to moderate growth in investment and growth in private consumption reflecting further improvements in labour market conditions and wage growth.
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