Cyprus “Startup Visa”

Cyprus “Startup Visa”

The programme of Cypriot “Startup Visa” (Startup Permit Scheme) was introduced in February 2017 and will operate till February 2019. The 2 year pilot programme shall attract talented entrepreneurs from third countries (outside EU and EEA). The programme consist of two parts: individual and team.



“Paperoni” Tax and new guidelines on setting a residency in Italy

“Paperoni” Tax and new guidelines on setting a residency in Italy

Towards the end of the sixties one very famous Italian performer, Domenico Modugno, was singing ‘Meraviglioso’, which was saying “[…] but look around you/ gifts that have made you / They have invented the sea / You say ‘I have nothing’/ It seems nothing the sun?


New Guidelines for Yacht Registration in Malta

New Guidelines for Yacht Registration in Malta

As from the 1st January 2017 The Authority for Transport Malta introduced new provision that allows yachts, which are registered for pleasure use, to carry more than 12 people (excluding the crew) without being compulsively submitted to the Convection for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the Passenger Yacht Code (PYC).



Change of the limited partnership legislation for private investment funds in UK

Change of the limited partnership legislation for private investment funds in UK

In June 2016, the UK HM Treasury concluded the consultations on the proposal to change the limited partnership legislation for private investment funds. The new regime is fully operational and ready to be applied.

